I had in my schedule for today’s post “Notes on first class”
I was going to lead with how class started with an emergency—a woman screaming from out front. There was an accident at the busy intersection where our studio is just as out folks were showing up. Quite a commotion of sirens and lights followed, and also of some good people helping her out. Thankfully she wasn’t hurt as badly as she could have been, and thankfully at least one of us thought to say a Loving Kindness for her. That’s where I want to land, I think, with this post about our first class: the vital lesson of gratitude. I’m thankful for the newest good human I met and for the important work she does. I’m thankful for Mrs K and her beautiful spirit. I’m thankful for my daughter who knew what a ringer is and was happy to be one. I’m thankful to Nic who couldn’t be there, but is such a big part of everything anyway. And I’m especially grateful for R, the best friend a guy could want and an unrelenting advocate for what we’re doing. Gratitude is one of our GART lessons—that’s Human Goodness and Art— and showing it, not just feeling it, is a powerful way to access our Vitality and keep it flowing. So thanks again to all who came and couldn’t. To be where we are is a dream enough come true, and we’re just getting started. With Absolute love—Jeff
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AuthorUncle Jeff, The Jefe, The AC (Absolute Cheese), Boss Archive
October 2022
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